In this questionnaire, you will see the phrases 'floating support' and 'supported accommodation'.
Please read the definitions before answering the questionnaire.
Floating support
Floating support is a form of flexible housing related support for any person over the age of 16 to access, maintain and manage their own accommodation. It can be delivered across all housing tenures and therefore can be received if you live in accommodation owned by the Council or Housing Association, or if you rent from a private landlord or if you are a homeowner and require support to live as independently as possible in any of these types of properties.
Supported accommodation
Supported housing is where people live in designated properties as a tenant but also get some support to live there. Supported housing can be living in a flat by yourself, living in a shared house, or living in a network of flats such as a hostel or refuge where everyone gets support.
Here are some examples of the type of support you may have received from your Housing Support Grant Provider:
- Assistance with life skills and independent living skills.
- Assistance with rent/mortgage/utilities arrears.
- Assisting service users to find accommodation.
- General advice and liaison.
- Support and advice in relation to matters concerning personal and community safety.
- Facilitating contact with community organisations.
- Assist with managing finances, budgeting and accessing welfare benefits where applicable.
- Development of social skills.
- Support to access education, training and find employment.
- Advice and support to lead healthy and active lifestyles.