Thank you for taking part in this survey. We are starting to think about what we'd like to achieve during 2025-6, and where change is needed to health and care services in Milton Keynes.
To make sure our work is relevant and has a positive impact on the people living in Milton Keynes, we need your help. Please take a few minutes to tell us what you think our priorities should be for the coming year.
Your feedback is vital to every aspect of our work. It helps us to understand the healthcare issues that affect residents in MK the most, and how your experiences differ from others in our community. We're really grateful for your input.
About us
We are Healthwatch Milton Keynes. It's our job to listen to your experiences of using local health and social care services. We make sure NHS and social care decision-makers hear your voice and use your feedback to improve care in Milton Keynes. We also provide the people of Milton Keynes with advice and support about local health and care services. We are part of a network of over 150 local Healthwatch across the country.
This question requires an answer
1. Do you live, work or study in Milton Keynes?
This question requires an answer
2. How would you rate the overall state of health and care services in Milton Keynes? *
This question requires an answer
3. Which of the following healthcare topics do you think we should prioritise in our work for 2025-26? *
4. In your opinion, what are the most significant challenges or gaps in health and care services in our community?
Please explain your answer:
5. Do you have any specific suggestions for initiatives or programmes that we should consider for 2025-6?
6. Do you have any other comments?
Tell us a bit about you
It would really help to know a little more about you. These questions are completely voluntary, but this information helps us to understand how different groups experience health and social care services in Milton Keynes, and supports our focus on improving equality, diversity and inclusion.
8. What is your gender identity?
9. Please tell us your ethnicity
10. Do you have a disability?
11. Do you have a long-term health condition?
Want to stay in touch?
Our monthly email newsletter, eBulletin, is a great way to stay up to date with news about local health and care services, future events, and our impact in the community. If you would like to subscribe to our newsletter, please complete your details below.
Email sign up consent
By providing my name and email address, I agree to my personal data being stored and used to receive news and email updates from Healthwatch Milton Keynes. By completing this section of the form, you are consenting to Healthwatch Milton Keynes holding personal information for the purposes of sending you email communications.
13. Please tell us your name.
14. Please tell us your email address.