1. How comfortable and confident are you in assessing patients with an early stage pressure ulcer looking at the skin type presented?
(1 = not very knowledgeable 10 = very confident)
2. How comfortable and confident are you in assessing patients with an early stage pressure ulcer looking at the skin type presented?
(1 = not very knowledgeable 10 = very confident)
3. How comfortable and confident are you in assessing patients with an early stage pressure ulcer, looking at the skin type presented?
(1 = not very knowledgeable 10 = very confident)
4. How comfortable and confident are you in assessing patients with an early stage pressure ulcer, looking at the skin type presented?
(1 = not very knowledgeable 10 = very confident)
5. How comfortable and confident are you in assessing patients with an early stage pressure ulcer, looking at the skin type presented?
(1 = not very knowledgeable 10 = very confident)
6. Which of the following questions do you CURRENTLY use when assessing skin for pressure damage?
7. Have you received specific training to assess patients with darker skin tone?
8. Would it be appropriate to have a specific tool to assess darker skin tone?
9. If a patient has darker skin tone what changes to the skin colour have you noticed?
Role of person completing form?
Number of years working with patients with pressure ulcers?
What would you find useful for the Trust to provide in order to assist clinicians assessing darker skins tones?