Speak Up Logo

We hope your campaign went well this year and thank you for your all your efforts in supporting Speak Up.

For the 2023 campaign we created a Campaign Box with baseline materials to maintain the look and feel of Speak Up across the Civil Service, whilst allowing you to shape a campaign to focus on your departments needs. We want to understand how you used this in your department, and how we can continue to work together to support your campaignnneeds.

This evaluation is to establish:
  • How your departmental campaign went.
  • How you found the Speak Up campaign materials and instructions.
  • What could we do better or differently.
  • Suggestions for the focus of Speak Up 2024.

How will we use your feedback?

Your feedback alongside the people survey results will shape the 2024 Speak Up Campaign. We want to work together with you to shape the how and what of the 2024 campaign to build momentum and ensure a refreshed and successful campaign each year.

Please complete our evaluation by COP 15th December 2023, it should take no more than 5 minutes.