Eastbourne Parks Poster Hunt

1. You can complete this form using a smartphone, computer or tablet.


1. For a chance to win one of three £25 WH Smiths Vouchers, identify the park where each of these photos were taken!

Be aware that each poster is displayed at multiple parks so you need to identify the right park in each photo.

The competition closes on 30 April and the winners will be announced on 7 May.

Don't forget to give us your contact details at the end and tell us which is your favourite park (and why) in the event of a tie-breaker.

Please enjoy exploring the parks and make sure you take a responsible adult if you are under 16 years old.

Good luck!

Oliver Sterno - Plastic Free Eastbourne


Which park is pictured?
Park 1
Park 2
Park 3
Park 4
Park 5
Park 6
Park 7
Park 8
Park 9
Park 10

2. Please tell us your name and the best way of contacting you such as phone number, email or postal address below.

We won't share this information with anyone else and will only use it for this competition. *