Parking Charges Consultation 2024


Charnwood Borough Council is considering making some changes to charges at its car parks in Loughborough.

Increasing charges is not something the council does lightly, but the parking charges have been unchanged for 12 years. Costs have risen during that time.

Since 2019, our operating costs for the car parks have increased by 27 per cent and revenue has dropped by 15 per cent. As an example, electricity costs for the car parks over the past five years have more than doubled to over £90,000 a year.

The Council is therefore considering making some increases to charges.

This is to help ensure we can continue to provide high-quality car parks for people to use.

The proposed changes are listed in full on this Council website page.

Please use this form to comment on the proposals. 
The deadline for responses is 11.59pm on Sunday, 20 October 2024.

For this consultation, being carried out under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, we are required to respond to any objections made. Therefore please include your name, address and email so we can respond. If you do not leave any contact details, we will not be able to respond to you.

Any responses received as part of the consultation will be summarised for a future council report, This will be a public document. However, any personal information submitted as part of the consultation will not be made public. 

For more information on our privacy policy, visit

Paper copies of the form will be available in reception at the Council's offices in Southfield Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE13 2TX.

1. Your details


2. Are you primarily responding as a: *


3. What are the main reasons you use car parks in Loughborough town centre for? (you can tick more than one purpose). *


4. The Council's parking charges in Loughborough have not changed in 12 years while costs have risen and revenue has dropped. Do you feel it is reasonable to increases the charges? *


5. Please use the box below to make any comments about the proposed changes to the Council parking charges in Loughborough.