Dear Own Art customer,

We are delighted that you chose to use the Own Art scheme to spread the cost of a piece of contemporary art or craft in the last month. Own Art is operated by Creative United, a Community Interest Company established with support from Arts Council England to support the UK’s cultural and creative industries. The scheme is run in partnership with Arts Council Northern Ireland, Creative Scotland and Hitachi Capital Consumer Finance.

As part of our ongoing evaluation and monitoring of the Own Art scheme, we would be grateful if you would take a moment to answer some questions about your purchase and the service you received. 

We take the processing of personal data seriously. The information collected via this survey is done so anonymously. The results of this survey are only used in aggregate and we do not share individual responses or information. You will not receive any communication from us for any other purposes. You can also opt out so that you do not receive any further communications from us.

Please read our Privacy Policy to find out more about how we use your information.

The survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. 
If you have any questions about the survey, please email us at info@ownart.org.uk.
Many thanks

The Own Art team