If you would like to refer a child or young person aged 4 and over to the 0 to 19 team which includes school nurses please complete this form. 

If you would like to refer a child under four, please use this form 0to19Torbay_referralform_underfour


The following information is required to ensure consistent and equitable access to 0 to19 Torbay service in order that decision around accepting requests can be made efficiently. We would require all necessary information to be completed in order to screen.


School nurse team support includes-

  • Hearing screening.
  • Diet and healthy lifestyles.
  • Sleep hygiene and behaviour routines advice.
  • Tier 1 Bladder and bowel support.  (i.e. Delayed toileting, night-time wetting, daytime wetting and constipation/soiling)
  • Signposting for emotional health and wellbeing.
  • Provide health care plans for children with medical needs in school. (i.e. Asthma, allergies and anaphylaxis)
  • Puberty/ growing up/ sexual health/ healthy relationships.
  • Signposting for support for smoking/drug/ alcohol use.
  • Parenting support and advice for behaviour (must have a health need).
  • Signposting for oral health concerns.

All referrals must be emailed into our Admin HUB- publichealthnursing.torbay@nhs.net

Any questions please call 0300 333 5352


Please note we can not help with referrals for following :

  • ASD and ADHD assessments.
  • Complex mental health needs.
  • Bereavement support.
  • Parenting support where there is no identified health need.
  • Headlice.