Help us build a one-stop shop for SMEs on child online safety

1. Instructions and Guidance

Many thanks for agreeing to complete this survey. It will take around 5 minutes.

We want to learn how you and your organisation search for information about child online safety and what kinds of information you find most helpful.

Responses will directly inform the design of a new child online safety ‘one-stop shop’ for businesses. The one-stop shop will help businesses to design their services and websites in a way that keeps children safe from online harms.

Your views will be extremely helpful to make sure that this service meets the needs of businesses like yours.

The information you provide will be kept anonymous. We will not contact you or your organisation in future without your prior permission.

This survey is run by the Behavioural Insights Team. We have been commissioned to design and test the one-stop shop by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport.

Please note, if you are using a phone or tablet, you may find it easier to use landscape view.

We are Behavioural Insights Limited. We are collecting personal data (your email address) in order to contact you to take part in an interview with us and to provide you with updates on the project. We will become a controller of the personal data you share with us. Unless you consent during an interview to be contacted by us for future research projects, we will delete your contact details after the project has been completed and evaluated (we anticipate that this information will be deleted by March 2021 at the latest). You can withdraw your data at any time before this date by contacting us at For more information on how we collect and process your personal data, please review BIT's Privacy Notice.