Highgate Primary School Nursery application Form
Children start Highgate Primary Nursery in the school year in which they have their fourth birthday. The great majority of children will start in the September after they have turned three, however if places are available, a few children may be admitted in January and April.
Every family is eligible for 15 hours free childcare a week. Some families are eligible for 30 hours free childcare a week, please check your eligibility following the link: https://www.gov.uk/30-hours-free-childcare
You can choose the type of Nursery place, subject to availability, which suits your family:
- Part time, either morning or afternoon, five days a week.
- Part time, with the option of top-up sessions.
- The 30 hours a week free childcare scheme (subject to proof of eligibility).
- The 30 hours a week free childcare scheme (subject to proof of eligibility) with the additional lunchtime half hour.
If you wish to apply for a place at the nursery, please fill in an application form once your child has turned two years old.
Applications will be processed in February in the calendar year that the child is due to start nursery. Parents will be informed in March if their child has a place.
If nursery places are oversubscribed, the Haringey admissions criteria will be applied. Once you have been offered a place, you are required to come to our main school office with proof of your child’s age (passport and birth certificate) and most recent proof of address (utility bill). You can then fill in the admission forms for our records.
If a place is not available, your child will be placed on our waiting list.
Criteria for admission:
- Children assessed by the local authority as being in need according to the terms of the Children Act.
- Children who have a sibling attending the school
- As the crow flies distance from the school
The information you submit will remain confidential. Details of how the school uses your data can be found on the school website, by looking at the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Policy and Pupil and Parent Privacy Notices.
Please complete this form using lower case letters, e.g. Tom not TOM, with capital letters only where required.
We expect this form to take you approximately 20 minutes to complete.
All questions which have an asterisk (*) must be answered. If left unanswered, the Smart Survey will move you to the beginning of the survey again.
Please submit your response by clicking the 'Finish Application' button at the end of the form.
Please note, you will not receive a confirmation of the submission.
Many thanks for your time.