Urgent Care Review Survey

1. Urgent Care Review
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Emergency Department services across the UK, including here in Wales have been and continue to be under extreme pressure, with people having significant waits before they are seen.  When we look at the reasons why people are attending A&E departments, we know that many could have been seen by alternative local health services.  However, they may not have known about these services, where these are located or the times they operate.

To help us understand this more we are undertaking a review of out of hospital urgent services.  These are the services that help people who have non life- threatening health needs, but don't need to attend A&E departments.  The review will look at all areas of in hours and out of hours primary and community care, including, GPs, Dentistry, Ophthalmology, Pharmacy and Community Nursing services. 

We are inviting you to complete this survey to help us understand your experience of accessing these services for yourself or on behalf of someone you are caring for.

The questionnaire is voluntary, anonymous and confidential, all feedback received will be logged, reviewed and key themes identified. We will publish an Engagement Report detailing your feedback, which will also be used to help inform any future options development and decisions about improving urgent care services.

The deadline for completing the questionnaire is 21 May 2023.  Thank you for your time and valuable contribution.

Please ensure that when you complete free text boxes, you do not enter any information, which may potentially identify you or any other individual.  The information you provide will be used to develop our proposals and kept in line with Data Protection legislation. 


 Are you answering this survey as:


Have you or someone you care for needed urgent medical help or advice for a health complaint or condition you/they were experiencing? 


Was your health complaint or condition related to something you were already being supported with by your local NHS?


If Yes, did you try and contact that service?


If Yes, were they able to help without you needing to go to an A&E department?


Where would you normally seek information about urgent care services?


Which of the following NHS urgent care services are you aware of? (Please tick all that apply)


When did you last use a NHS urgent care service, other than an A&E department?
(please tell us which service you used in the comments box)


If you have used any urgent services other than an A&E department, what worked well? Please tick all that apply


When using an urgent services other than an A&E department, what didn't work well? (please tick all that apply)


If you need urgent care how likely are you to choose a different option to an A&E department?


If you have, any other comments or experiences you would like to share please comment below: