Understanding Your Cancer Journey


Everyone who goes through a cancer diagnosis and treatment will experience it differently.

The NHS, working in collaboration with local cancer services and organisations, is inviting people of all ages who have had a cancer diagnosis or received treatment in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, in the last three years, or supported someone who has, to share their experience to help shape future services.

We want to know what works well and what could make things better. Please use the questionnaire below to tell us about your experience and share your views.  You don't have to answer all the questions, only the ones you want to. The questionnaire closes on Friday  6 December.

This survey is anonymous and we should not be able to identify you from your responses. The information you have provided will be used for statistical purposes and to inform decision making. We will only publish anonymised responses, parts of responses, or a summarised version of responses and will ensure individual survey respondents cannot be identified. Your response will be stored and kept in line with NHS Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Retention Schedule.

We will not share any identifiable information with any external third parties. Your information will be held securely, and if shared it will be shared securely. We comply with data protection laws concerning the protection of personal information, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information on how information is held by both organisations and your rights to gain access to the information we hold on you, please see our corporate privacy policy at https://www.shropshiretelfordandwrekin.nhs.uk/privacy-notice/

Session 1 – Accessibility to Health Care Services (GP, Emergency & Urgent Care, inpatient, screening)

1. How easy was it to access healthcare when you first noticed symptoms?


2. What went well and what barriers did you face in accessing care (e.g., transport, waiting times, and accessing tests/test results)?


3. What could have made accessing care easier?


4. Can you describe any information that you may have read/received about symptom awareness and any screening programmes? 


Session 2 – Support During Your Diagnosis

5. How would you describe the waiting time for your diagnostic tests? 


6. Was your diagnosis and treatment plan explained clearly? Did you feel you had the information and support needed to make decisions about your care (e.g., information about treatment options, practical support, emotional support)?


7. Were you offered information about specialist support services (e.g., Hamar Centre counsellors, Macmillan information centre, mental health/psychological support, and support provided by Lingen Davies Cancer Fund)?


8. How could this stage be improved? What one change would have made the biggest difference for you and how far would you have travelled to access it?