Your local hospital (Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust) is looking to understand how you access information relating to maternity online, using the Northampton General Hospital website and we’d love to hear from you. Whether you’ve used the website often, or only a few times, we would really appreciate it if you could take a few minutes out of your day to complete this short survey (14 questions). Your answers will be used to help us plan for a new hospital website which is coming later in the year.
Don’t worry about your answers as they won’t be shared or published anywhere – so be as honest as you like. Your responses are completely anonymous, and the data will be analysed by the hospital's web development team and maternity services department. The data will not be used in a manner which would allow identification of your individual responses and will not be shared with any 3rd parties. Why are we consulting?
The maternity services department at Northampton General Hospital are currently working with the web development team to make improvements to the maternity areas of the Northampton General Hospital website. In the coming months, an accessibility focused website will be launched which will provide users with a better user experience when finding information.
We are currently looking for opinions on what you do and do not like about the current website, and what new information and features you would find useful. The maternity department will then work with the web development team and use this data to publish new pages and features.
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If you need a break during the completion of this survey, you have the option to select 'Save and Continue Later'. In order to use this feature, you will need to provide an e-mail address, as a link will be sent to you which will allow you to continue with your submission at a later time. Your e-mail address will not be collected as part of the survey and will not be used for any other purpose other than to allow you to save your survey submission.
By checking the box below, you consent to take part in this survey, if you have any questions about the survey content or would like to withdraw your responses, please contact:
Kieran Jones
Digital Communications Manager
kieran.jones@ngh.nhs.uk This question requires an answer
1. I consent to taking part in this study and know that I can withdraw my response at any time. *