1. Please provide your full home postcode below so we have an idea of where you are responding from.
By providing us with your postcode, you are consenting for us to use this information to understand where respondents live. If you do not consent to us using this information in this way, please do not provide your postcode.
2. Are you responding as?
There are council operated car parks in 17 locations across the New Forest. If you are a resident, please select the closest of the 17 towns / villages to where you live. Please note, the purpose of this question is to understand demand to council owned car parks and is not intended to capture a comprehensive list of settlements.
If you are responding as a Local Member, Town or Parish Councillor, please select the appropriate answer.
If you are a visitor to the New Forest, please select this option at the bottom of the list.
If you are a business owner or employee within the district, please complete the business survey that can be accessed by clicking the following link: Business Survey