GOSH Nephro-Urology 2025 - Free registration

Thursday 24-Friday 25 April 2025, 09:30-17:30 GMT

Delegates who reside in Low income countries and Lower-middle income countries (defined according to the World Bank country classification) can attend the course virtually for free. Please add your name and email address and we will send further information to you in early April 2025. We look forward to welcoming you to the course.


1. Full name: *


2. Email address: *


3. Country of residency (If your country is not listed, unfortunately you cannot book this ticket type. Other ticket options are available here: https://courses.gosh.org/event/Nephro_Urology_25): *


4. Job title: *


5. Organisation: *



Do you have any access requirements you would like us to be aware of? *