Scottish Government has proposed that there should be a new National Park in the Galloway region including parts of South and East Ayrshire. NatureScot has been asked to develop some of the details of what that might entail and to consult widely on these matters.
A decision whether to designate a new National Park has not yet been taken.
This consultation is your chance to comment on this proposal. It builds on engagement work we have undertaken across the area. Please answer as many or as few questions as you wish.
The deadline for responses is midnight on 14 February 2025
As far as possible, please provide the reasons for your responses to the questions, this will help us to understand your position and take your views into account. It would also help a Park, if established, to plan and work as much as possible for the benefit of everyone.
Useful information is available on our NatureScot website and community information hub
You can email any questions to:
More opportunities to have your say…
Once NatureScot submits its advice to Scottish Government in spring 2025, they will decide to continue with the process of designation.
If Ministers decide to proceed, they will consult further on the contents of a draft designation order which is the legal mechanism for establishing a National Park.
This would include a minimum 12-week full public consultation followed by further scrutiny by the Scottish Parliament.