This survey is being conducted by Creative United in partnership with Drake Music, the OHMI Trust, OpenUp Music and Youth Music.
It aims to capture a detailed picture of the experiences of music education professionals across the UK of music making with disabled people. We will use the findings to inform the development of music services, including our
Take it away scheme, to ensure that they are as inclusive and accessible as possible.
The results of the survey will be shared with the music education sector, funding bodies, and policy makers, and made publicly available on the
Creative United website.
The information you provide is anonymous and cannot be traced back to you as an individual. It will be used for statistical and research purposes only.
If you need a break at any point, the questionnaire can be saved and returned to. It is not necessary to complete all sections to submit the survey.
We have used terms to describe 'people with a disability' or 'disabled people' interchangeably because different people prefer different terminology.
Paper copies of this questionnaire can be provided in large print and easy read formats.
If you have any questions about the survey, please email