Citizen’s Herefordshire – 10,000 stories

At Healthwatch Herefordshire, we are collecting 10,000 stories from people across the county. Every story will help us understand what needs to be changed and why. And why are we doing this? We are delighted to be working with Citizens UK to form the first Citizen Herefordshire Alliance, bringing together everyday people and local organisations to build a better, fairer society. We are going to use these stories to drive social change and action.


1. What works well in Herefordshire? *


2. What one thing would you change in Herefordshire? *


3. Please give reasons for your answer. *


4. Name *


5. If you are entering this on behalf of someone else please put your organisation


6. Would you like to hear more about this project?


7. What is your age?


8. What is your postcode? *


9. What is your gender?


10. What is your ethnicity?