Community builder evaluation


1. Wakefield Mental Health Community Builder Impact Survey

The aim of this survey is to evidence the impact of the three Community Builder roles which have been implemented as part of the Wakefield Community Mental Health Transformation. 


The Community Builders are hosted by three VCSE organisations (NOVA, Young Lives Consortium & Age UK) . They work strategically across the VCSE, providing targeted support to VCSE organisations as well as being part of the mental health transformation programme team ensuring the VCSE are linked in with developments and that the views of the VCSE shape the local community mental health transformation changes. 


The information you provide will be used as part of our overall Wakefield evaluation work which is being led by NICHE Health & Social Care Consulting Ltd and will be published as part of our findings in an anonymous format. It will be used to help evaluate the impact so far and influence the direction of the roles over the next few years. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to this work. 


If you would like more information on how the information you provide will be used please contact: 


1. Please can you tell us which option best describes the organisation/ sector you work within?


2. On a scale of 1-5 how much have you worked with the community builder team/ team members?

1= not at all, 5 = very regularly e.g. weekly. *


3. In what capacity have you worked/ engaged with the Community Builder Roles?  *


4. Connectivity is a key part of the Community Builder role.

How well do you feel the team / members are connected to what’s happening with mental health and VCSE services in Wakefield.  *

Please answer on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 = not at all, 5= very connected

5. Another area of connectivity for the team is forming connections between VCSE support services. How well do you feel the team / members are doing this?

Please answer on a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 = not at all, 5 = have built useful and meaningful connections between VCSE services. *


6. The  Community Builder role aims to build new connections between VCSE groups and statutory services e.g., Primary Mental health services (Connecting Care). How well do you feel the team / members do this connecting?

1 = not at all, 5 = have built useful and meaningful connections between VCSE services. *

Not at allHave built useful and meaningful connections between VCSE services

7. The Community Builder role was designed to identify gaps & lead responses  in VCSE services to support people with their mental health and wellbeing across Wakefield. How well do you feel the team / members have done this?

0= not at all, 1 = identified gaps but did not lead a response, 5 = identified many gaps & responses  *


8. The Community Builder roles feedback intelligence to the Wakefield Community Mental Health Steering Group, Wakefield Mental Health Alliance Partnership & Stakeholder meetings alongside other appropriate networks to shape service provision. How well do you think they do this?

1 = not at all, 5 = comprehensive feedback. *


9. The roles aim to improve communication for the public and VCSE organisations about the Primary Care Mental Health team within the Connecting Care hubs which is part of the Wakefield Community Mental Health Transformation developments. 

How well do you feel they have accomplished this task?

1= not at all, 5 = improved communication. *


10. The community builder team have worked with Primary Care Mental Health team to develop an electronic referral pathway to support referrals into the service for organisations/ VCSE that are external to the connecting care hubs. Have you used this pathway? *


11. If you have answered YES, how useful has it been for your organisation to have that referral pathway?

1 = not useful at all, 5 = extremely useful


12. Is there anything else you wish to feedback regarding your interactions/ partnership working with the Community Builders? This can include suggested areas for focus/ development of the roles.