Local Pharmacy Survey

1. Your local Pharmacy

Healthwatch Brent is an independent organisation and has been your local health and social care champion since 2012.  From Queensbury to Kilburn and everywhere in between, we ensure the National Health Service (NHS)/ Council leaders and other decision makers hear your voice and use your feedback to develop new services and make improvements.


We are keen to find out your views on your local Pharmacy services.


The information you share with us helps us spot area of good practice and trends to identify areas for improvement. We may use quotes in our reports, but we will not use any information that will identify you.

As well as your feedback, we also ask you to volunteer some personal information. This helps us to help us understand how different groups experience local health and social care services and supports our focus on improving equality, diversity and inclusion. 

If you are sharing information on behalf of another person, make sure that you have their permission to do so, or the information you do share should be anonymous.

Find out more about how we handle your information in our privacy statement. 


Should you have any questions, please contact the team on:

Healthwatch Brent info@healthwatchbrent.co.uk


This survey closes on Friday 28th February 2025 at 5pm.


1. Name of your local Pharmacy  *


2. How often do you visit your Pharmacy? *


3. How close to your home / where you live - is your local Pharmacy? *


4. Why do you chose to visit your local Pharmacy? *


5. How would you rate your local Pharmacy for CUSTOMER CARE ( 5 being excellent - 1 being poor) *


6. How would you rate your local Pharmacy in terms of KNOWLEDGE? (5  being excellent and 1 being Poor)? *


7. Are you aware of the conditions that many Pharmacists can now help you with? *

Impetigo (aged 1 year and over)
Infected insect bites (aged 1 year and over) 
Earache (aged 1 to 17)
Sore throat (aged 5 years and over)
Sinusitis \9aged 12 years and over)
Urinary tract infections (women aged 16 to 64)
Shingles aged 18 years and over) 
Some Pharmacist's' offer emergency contraception pill for for free if you are over the age of 16 
Some pharmacist's  offer free blood pressure tests
Some pharmacist's provide support with newly prescribed medicines
Pharmasists will dispose of out of date or unwanted medication
Contraceptive pill (without a prescription ( offered at some Pharmacies) 

8. Are you aware of other services that may be available from you local Pharmacy?  *


9. Have you or a member of your family used any of the services mentioned in question 7 or 8?  *


10. If you havent accessed these services, what was your reason? *


11. Have you (or someone you care for) attended  the General Practitioner (GP)/ Accident & Emergency (A&E) or Urgent Care Centre (UCC) for one of these conditions?  *

I did but I was unsure of the health issue and wanted a clinical opinion

12. If you attended any of these service were you made aware of the support you might be able to access through your local Pharmacy?

General Practitioner (GP)
Accident and Emergency (A&E)
Urgent Care Centre (UCC)

13. Did you know that if you do NOT pay for your medicines then you do not need to pay for the pharmacy first medication? *


14. Do you feel that you had been made aware of the new services you could access through your local Pharmacy? *


15. If you attended your local Pharmacy was the medication you required available? *


16. If you attended your local Pharmacist are there any improvements you would suggest? *


17. Is there anything else you would like us to know? *


18. Please tell us your age


19. Please tell us your gender


20. Please select your ethnicity


21. Do you have a disability or long term health condition?