1. Loan of Equipment – Terms and Conditions


Devon Music Education Hub stock a wide range of instruments and musical equipment, including specialist instruments, percussion, sheet music, music stands, stage pianos and more! Many can be offered free of charge or for a small fee, for an agreed period to support local organisations such as schools, music centres, performance venues and individuals in the music sector. Please read our terms & conditions below before completing a loan application.

  • Instrument(s) are not insured. If your application is successful you will be fully responsible for any costs incurred through loss or damage.
  • While instruments can be used in different settings, no instrument may be taken home by a third party or sublet under any circumstances.
  • We do not offer a regular delivery service, therefore you should expect to have to collect and return the instrument(s) to our Willand office by arrangement.
  • We are not always able to supply accessories such as reeds, beaters, stands etc. You should expect to supply your own in most cases.
  • Please note we are an educational service and cannot lend instruments for commercial use.
  • We will be in touch on receipt of your application to confirm whether we have available stock and sufficient workshop capacity to meet your request. Please do not assume that completing this survey is any guarantee of a firm booking.
  • For longer-term loans the return date will default to the end of the academic year. It may be possible to extend the loan, depending on availability of the instrument. We will be in contact at least once a year to review the loan and discuss ongoing maintenance and usage.
  • Devon Music Education Hub reserve the right to recall instruments, with appropriate notice, for a short time, for key events such as The Mix festival in the summer term.
  • Please check all equipment on receipt and advise us immediately of any missing or damaged items, otherwise you may be charged at the end of the loan period.

The information provided on this form will be used in relation to the instrument loan agreement and will not be processed or shared for any unrelated purpose. Where you are completing personal information for another individual, please provide that person with access to our privacy notice. For further information our full privacy notice is available Click here for our Privacy notice


1. Full name of school/ensemble/organisation responsible for the equipment (where it will remain throughout the loan period)


2. Please state the FULL address of where the equipment will be kept *


3. Phone number of the person responsible *


4. Contact name (to be responsible in the event of a successful application) *


5. Email address of the person responsible *


6. What instrument(s) or equipment would you like to borrow? *


7. Please supply a desired start and end date for the loan (collection/return is from Willand, please include collection and return dates) *


8. Please give us some brief information about the project, e.g. age group/number of children involved, accessibility/inclusivity, progression, performance opportunities *


9. To opt-in for email updates from Devon Music Education Hub please confirm your consent below - please note that our privacy policy can be found here *