Talk to Me, Hear My Voice: Hear My Safeguarding Story


The Advonet Group want to hear about your story of safeguarding in Leeds. Safeguarding Adults involves helping people at risk of abuse, neglect or self-neglect to protect themselves.

There are lots of ways to tell us about your stories:

· Talking to us in person. We can support you or the person you support to tell your story
· Taking this online survey
· Contacting us by email at
· Calling us on 0113 244 0606

This project is about you or the person you support and we will support you to make your voice heard.

This survey is to help you or the person you support to tell us your story of safeguarding in Leeds. Please allow at least 10 minutes to complete it.

We do not need, and will not ask for, your personal details. If you choose to give us your personal details, these will be kept safe for up to 12 months and will not be used when we share your story with the Safeguarding Adults Board.
If you would like to remove your story from the project, please contact us. It is okay to do this and we won't ask you or the person you support why.

Please try to give as much detail as possible. There are 12 questions in this survey.

1. Who is the person filling in the questionnaire?


2. Where did you hear about our project?


3. Have you or the person you support been involved in the formal safeguarding process?


4. When did you or the person you support get last get help with feeling unsafe?


5. Tell us your story – What would you or the person you support like to feedback?


6. Were you or the person you support asked what you or they wanted to happen?


7. And did this happen?



8. Did you or the person you support understand the safeguarding process and why people did what they did?


9. Did you or the person you support feel listened to during conversations and meetings?


10. How happy are you or the person you support with the end result?


11. Did you or the person you support feel involved in the decisions about keeping safe?


12. Do you or the person you support feel safer now?


13. Could anything have been done to stop you or the person you support feeling unsafe in the first place?


14. Thinking about your feedback, what would you or the person you support like to change about the way we support people to be safe in Leeds?


15. If you are happy to be contacted about your feedback, please leave the best way to contact you below:

Please note your contact information will not be shared with any third party.
We understand that giving feedback about your experience can be distressing. If you still feel unsafe, you or the person you support should talk to the people involved in your care.

If you still feel concerned, you or the person you support should contact Leeds City Council Adults and Health by calling them on 0113 222 4401.

Privacy statement

The data you provide in this questionnaire will be held in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018.

Advonet is the Data Controller of this information, and it is being processed only with your explicit consent. If you wish to withdraw your consent, at any time, please contact Clare de Arostegui, Advonet's Data Protection Officer, by email at

Details of your rights under UK Data Protection Legislation, including details of Advonet's Data Protection Officer, your rights as a Data Subject, and your right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office are available at this link: