Your experience of leaving hospital


What is this about?
Have you, or an adult you look after, stayed in hospital in the last 12 months? Healthwatch Oxfordshire would like to hear about your experience of leaving hospital, and any care and support you got, at home or somewhere else in Oxfordshire, in the first few weeks afterwards. What worked well and what could have been improved? 

Who are Healthwatch Oxfordshire?
Healthwatch Oxfordshire is an independent charity for people who use health and social care services. We find out what matters to local people and make sure their views are heard by the people who make decisions about those services. We will use what you tell us to help shape the support for people leaving hospital and to improve services.

This survey is anonymous - you do not have to say who you are and we will not identify you. Please see our privacy policy for more information. The survey takes around 20 minutes to complete.

If you would like a paper copy of the questionnaire, another format, large print, or language, or if you would prefer to talk to us, or help filling this in, please call Healthwatch Oxfordshire on 01865 520520 or you can email us at


1. Consent to use your comments.
This survey is anonymous - this means you don't have to say who you are, and you cannot be identified.
We need to know if you are happy for your anonymous comments to be used in this way. Please choose Yes or No: *


2. Please could you tell us which of these best describes you? *