Breakthrough UK's Democracy Disability Devolution women's project survey
1. Your political involvement
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We are interested in identifying and removing barriers to disabled women's representation especially in Greater Manchester.
If you would like to request or give information or get support (to complete the survey) please contact Breakthrough UK, The Kevin Hyett Suite, The Abraham Moss Centre, Crescent Road, Crumpsall, Manchester M8 5UF
0161 234 3950 For text directly: 0793 994 3383
1. Have you voted in a local election, general election or referendum? (Please indicate)
2. Have you participated in any campaigning?
3. Have you attended a hustings, written to or met your councillor or MP or completed a government consultation?
4. Have you been (or are you) a member of a political party?
5. If you are or have been a member of a political party do you attend meetings?
6. Have you had a political role (within a political party branch, disability association, canvassing, attending a count or standing for office?) Feel free to share details about when etc.
If you have been interested or encouraged to hold such a role please tell us if you wish in the comments.
7. Have you ever been (or considered becoming) a Magistrate, school governor, Trustee, Appropriate adult, Mayor or a student union or trade union role or similar?
Please type an answer, sharing any details you wish.