Sexual Health Stakeholder Survey


Sexual Health Stakeholder Consultation 
The current contract for Integrated Sexual Health Service ends in October 2026. As part of the commissioning of the sexual health service, Warrington Borough Council are seeking views of stakeholders to inform the revised model and specification. We would be really grateful if you would spare 10 minutes to give us your views. 

Data Protection and Confidentiality
We comply with all legislation governing the protection of personal information, including the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The information you provide through this survey will be kept secure and analysed by Warrington Borough Council. To find out more please visit, and 
Other formats
If you have any concerns or questions about the survey, require the questionnaire in another language or format including large print, Braille, audio or British Sign Language or simply require assistance in completing the form please email

1. Which organisation do you work in? 


2. Which department or speciality do you work in? 


3. What is your role? 


4. Please read the following statements and indicate your response.

Yes No Not sure 
I have heard of Axess, the sexual health service in Warrington. 
I have referred to the service (i.e. provided information on the patient to Axess for them to contact the patient)
I have signposted to the service (i.e. given verbal or written information to the patient for them to contact Axess themselves)
I have heard of Axess but I have not referred or signposted any patients to the service
I have a clear understanding of what the sexual health service offers
I think that, within my department or organisation, the services offered by Axess are understood. 
I think that, within my departments or organisation, it is known how to contact or refer to Axess. 

5. If you are aware of the service, please indicate which services you are aware, that the sexual health service provides. 


6. Does your service or organisation actively promote the sexual health service?  


7. Are you aware of any barriers or challenges with referring or signposting to the sexual health service? 


8. Have you accessed or seen any information, publicity or communications about the sexual health service. Please select all that apply. 


9. Please let us know any comments, ideas or opportunities for improving sexual health services in Warrington.


10. Please let us know any other feedback on the sexual health service in Warrington