Civic Street - Public Consultation


1. How often do you visit this area?


2. How did you get here today? (Select option traveled for longest distance)


3. What best describes your relationship to this area?


4. What brings you to this space today?


5. How do you feel about this area?


6. What three words would you use to describe this public space?


7. We hope to re-design the area of Civic Street, focusing on improving pathways, active travel routes for cycling and walking, lighting and signage in the area and the lower greenspace. Which of these areas do you think needs the most improvement?


8. What issues do you see in this area?


9. What are two things you would like to do in this area which you can't do now?


10. How would you rate your feeling of personal safety in this space?


11. What would make you feel more safe in this space?


12. What would you like this area to look like in 5 years time?


13. What age are you?


14. What is your home postcode?


15. Do you identify as? (Mark one or more boxes and specify as you wish)

Use our survey software to create your survey.