We would like to speak to families who have children aged between 5 to 14 years. You can choose to take part in interviews or focus groups, or you can take part in both if you wish.
We would like to talk to parents/guardians on the telephone about how the coronavirus situation has impacted their family, and how it has influenced what they think, feel and do, in relation to physical activity. We would also like them to tell us about anything that might make it harder or easier for their children to be physically active at home.
Focus groups - for families who have seen JU:MP@Home
Parents/guardians - we would like to talk to parents and a few other people from their community about JU:MP@Home. We will ask how you have been using JU:MP@Home, what you like and don't like about it, the impact it has had on your family, and what you think we could do to make JU:MP@Home better.
Children (aged 8 -14 years) -
JU:MP will send children some crayons so they can draw and write about what they have been doing at home and how they have been using JU:MP@Home and then talk to us about it in a focus group with other children from their school and their teacher who will also share their drawings and talk about what they have been doing at home.
Depending on the latest COVID-19 restrictions, these focus groups will be completed either online using something like Zoom or WhatsApp, or they might be completed at a local community centre or in your child's school.
Interviews and focus groups will be recorded so that we can type up everything that was said and analyse the information. We will only record people’s voices and will not record any video.
All information collected will be anonymised and no individual will be identified within any reports. However if in an interview or focus group you disclose any safeguarding issues for yourself or your family, or illegal behaviour then the researcher would disclose this to the appropriate authorities. An example being any disclosure of any physical or mental abuse disclosed by yourself or your children during the lockdown.
Parents/guardians and children who are invited to take part in an interview or focus group, will receive a £10 shopping voucher after they have taken part.
If you or your child would like to take part, please download and save a copy of the research information stored in the links below.
Parents/guardians -
Children -
If you or your child would like to take part, please tell us your email address OR phone number and we will contact you to arrange a convenient time to take part in an interview or focus group. You can change your mind about taking part at any time - you do not have to give us a reason why.
If you do not wish to take part, please close this window and thank-you for your time.