Wound care patient survey

We want your views on the care you have received for your wound

NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (WYICB) plan and buy NHS services for the population of Kirklees and make sure people get the healthcare they need. 


We are working to improve the treatment of wounds following hospital treatment or for those patients with minor injuries and superficial wounds where it is unnecessary for the patient to attend hospital. 


We want to know what people who have recently received treatment for a wound think about their care. We would also like to understand the aspects of care and its delivery that are most important to you. 


How can I share my views?

Tell us what you think by filling in this survey. It is anonymous so we won't know who completed the survey and it should take no more than 5 minutes to complete.

We will use what people tell us to understand what works well and what can be better, what people want and need and what we can do to improve the service.

If you would prefer to complete a paper copy, need help to fill in the survey or need it in a different format (language or size) please email: wyicb-kirk.engagement@nhs.net  or call: 01484 464000.

The closing date for the survey is Monday 10 March 2025.

1. Please tell us which GP practice you are registered with.


2. Where have you received most of your treatment for your wound?


3. When did you receive your last treatment?

  • Day of the week
  • Time of day

4. How did you get to your appointment?