
Bacterial Vaginosis 

This consultation is designed to help assess your symptoms and provide appropriate advice or treatment for bacterial vaginosis. We will ask a series of questions about your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle habits. Please answer as accurately as possible so we can ensure you receive the most suitable care.

Before proceeding, consider visiting your local pharmacy for advice on managing mild symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. Pharmacists can offer over-the-counter treatments and help with symptom relief.


eConsults are not a direct booking system for face-to-face (F2F) appointments. We will assess your symptoms and provide the most suitable course of action, which may include advice, treatment, or a referral if needed.

Misuse of the eConsult system may delay care for you and other patients. Please ensure that you answer all questions honestly and accurately. Manipulating responses to trigger red flags or selecting an unrelated condition may result in delays in your care.

If your symptoms are complex, involve multiple conditions, or require ongoing management, you may be advised to book a face to face appointment instead.

Urgent cases – If you feel your condition is life-threatening, please call 999 or visit A&E.

Thank you for helping us provide safe, effective care.


2. Please accept the following: *


3. Please confirm that you agree to our privacy and data sharing policy. *


4. To ensure you receive the right care, we work with clinicians across the NHS, including local pharmacies. This means that your econsultation may be reviewed by a local pharmacist working for a local pharmacy or by one of our own staff members who will call you to discuss further if needed. For more information, click here.  Please accept the following. *


5. All subsequent questions during the online consultation are directed at the person requiring the online consultation. You should only complete this consultation for: a) yourself, (b) for someone else where you have their permission to do so, (c) for someone else where you are permitted in law (for example, a parent or guardian, carer, someone with power of attorney). Please indicate who you are completing this online consultation for: *