Suicide is a significant worldwide public health concern with 6,069 suicides in the United Kingdom (UK) in 2023 alone. A striking 4832 of these suicides were by males (75.3%) further confirming the longstanding gender imbalance evident in UK suicide rates. Suicide is the single biggest killer of men aged under 49 years in the UK. This is a shocking statistic and raises questions about what is being done to deal with the issue.
The male suicide prevention campaign wants to look at how we can get men to access support and advise them when they need it. Some elements of the campaign have been determined, such as the Staying Alive App, a great point of support for a multitude of issues. The campaign will also aim people towards the ICB male suicide prevention web page which offers more localised support.
We want your help in developing other elements of the campaign. This includes the images to be used, the taglines or messages made, and the overall look of the campaign materials. We want these to capture peoples interest, and prompt them to take a look or make it memorable, so that they can recall it when needed. The campaign needs to target all men, not just ‘service users’. Please help us develop an effective male suicide prevention campaign by completing this survey. We need your responses by 3 February 2025.
Data Protection Statement
Please read this data protection statement which explains how we will use the information we are collecting from you.
Demographic detail is requested at the end of the survey in order to monitor responses in accordance with the protected characteristics.
No personal data is requested and the survey is anonymous and confidential. The information you supply will be held securely and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018. You can withdraw your consent at any time by emailing:
The information shared with ICB staff and commissioners relates to themes and trends in responses and points of view. Survey results and data will be securely held, and any paper copies will be transferred to the online survey and destroyed. Survey material will be kept for a five-year period.