CRT Strategy 2024-29 Stakeholder Consultation

1. Welcome to the Coalfields Regeneration Trust Strategy Consultation


Dear colleague,

The Coalfields Regeneration Trust is currently developing it's strategy for 2024-29 and we are keen to get your input to help us shape this important piece of work for our organisation.

As a valued partner,  we know you will have a good understanding of the challenges and opportunities in our former coalfield communities. We are keen to learn from your knowledge to help us shape our approach so that, working in partnership, we can continue to support our communities in the best possible way.

We have kept this survey short as we know your time is valuable and believe this survey can be completed in around 10-15 minutes. However, we welcome any additional input you have so please feel free to enter this in the free text box at the end of the survey.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this consultation.

Gary Ellis

Chief Executive, Coalfields Regeneration Trust


1. Please could you tell us the region or nation you are based in? *


2. We would like to begin by asking your views on the level of awareness of the Coalfields Regeneration Trust and coalfield communities.

Please select the level of awareness from the drop down menu. You may also add any comments you may have in the comments box. *

In my organisationIn my local community
How aware do you feel people are of the Coalfields Regeneration Trust as an organisation?
How aware do you feel people are of the issues facing coalfield communities?
Use our survey software to create your survey.