In Good Health - our proposals for changing health and social care in Norfolk and Waveney
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The NHS and social care system is one of this country’s greatest achievements and one on which we all rely at some point in our lives. However, our health and social care services face some huge challenges.
Our population is growing, people are generally living longer and the type of care that people need is changing. We know that we must improve how we care for people. And we know that we simply cannot afford to continue to work in the same way we do now.
As local health and social care organisations, we are committed to working together to improve our services and to help you to take control of your own health and wellbeing. You can read more about the challenges facing our services on the
Healthwatch Norfolk website
We need help from you too. We know we don’t have all the answers to creating health and social care services that are fit for the future.
Complete our feedback form to tell us what you think of our ideas for
improving health and social care,
and to share your own ideas.
Norfolk County Council will store your answers safely, in line with the Data Protection Act.
We will feedback your views to local health and social care services involved in developing Norfolk and Waveney's Sustainability and Transformation Plan. We will summarise the feedback when we write the report so no individual's response can be identified.
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