Supported Living Survey 2024

1. Share your thoughts on Supported Living Services


Let’s talk about Supported Living Services! We're Healthwatch Leicester and Healthwatch Leicestershire, your local health and social care champions. We're here to make sure your voice is heard and your feedback helps improve care. We've got a few questions for you about supported living to help shape and enhance these services. Your answers are anonymous.

Our complete privacy statement clearly states how your information will be used by us, please read it. 


1. Service name:  *


2. How long have you been using supported living services? *


3. How good would you say your support is? *


4. What parts of supported living do you like the most? (Tick all that apply)



5. How would you rate communication with support staff? *


6. Are there areas where local support services could be better? Share your thoughts!  *


7. What extra services or activities would you like to see to make your experience better?  *


8. How involved do you feel in decisions about your care and support? *


9. Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with supported living services? *