What is this about?
Healthwatch Oxfordshire would like to hear what you think our priorities should be for the next year (2025-26). We’d also like your feedback on how you think we are doing.
Who are Healthwatch Oxfordshire?
Healthwatch Oxfordshire is an independent charity for people who use health and social care services. We find out what matters to local people about their health and care and make sure their views are heard by the people who make decisions about those services.
What do we want to know and why?
Each year, we choose several areas of health and social care to focus on. We then hear from people about their experiences of these areas. We want to hear what you think we should be focusing on in 2025-26. We also want your feedback on the work we have done this year. What we hear will inform our work plans for the year and ensure we give the best possible service to people in Oxfordshire.
This survey is anonymous - you do not have to say who you are and we will not identify you.
To read our privacy policy, see here
If you would like the questionnaire in another format or language, or if you would prefer to talk to us, please call Healthwatch Oxfordshire on 01865 520520 or you can email us at hello@healthwatchoxfordshire.co.uk