
Have your say on inequalities in health and care services

The health and care system in Milton Keynes is changing. Now more than ever, your voice counts.

We know that residents from diverse or minority communities often face more challenges to getting the right health and care support. For example, if you are homeless, or have arrived here as a refugee, you will probably have different needs that aren't always being met by our health and care services.

This isn't fair, and we call this 'health inequality'. 

We want to understand how services could be changed to make access, care and treatment fair for everyone, regardless of your financial situation, a long term health condition, your age, the language you and your family speak, ethnicity, faith, sexuality, gender, disability, or anything else that makes you unique. 

If you've tried to get a doctors or dentist appointment, if you've been to the hospital recently, or used any other health service, have any of these things created challenges when you’re trying to access health care?

We’re reaching out on behalf of the new Integrated Care System (ICS) to hear about your experiences. Together, we want to see what needs improving and understand why certain people in our community are treated unfairly. 

When answering these questions think about yourself as a unique person and how you feel the things that make you, you help or create challenges when you’re trying to, or accessing help and support in health, including mental health and social care services. Think about your personal, cultural or religious beliefs, your gender, your first language, your age and perhaps existing or long-term health conditions that are a big part of your life. Our differences can mean we all have quite different needs - and experiences - when we’re connecting with our health and social care services.


1. Tell us about yourself. Tick all that apply to you. *

I am from an ethic minority groupI have a disabilityI live in a poorer area of Milton KeynesI am LGBTQ+I am a refugeeI am homelessI live in temporary housingOther