Feedback Form


1. Share your experience

If you want to have your say and share your experiences with Healthwatch, please complete this form. Your feedback is essential in developing local standards of care so include as much detail as possible.

If you want help or advice, then please use our Helpline Form instead.

Thank you!


1. Why are you getting in touch? *


2. What type of service is your feedback about?

Please choose the services that you'd like to tell us about. You can pick more than one.


3. What is the name of the services or organisations your feedback is about?

Such as Royal Sussex County Hospital – Maternity Ward, Brighton Station Medical Centre or Health Visitor, etc.


4. Please tell us about your experience.

Give details, including dates and timeline. You may wish to remove any personal information from your feedback, such as names or addresses, etc.



5. Which health staff are mentioned in your feedback?

Please choose all that apply.