The Graduated Response Survey
1. Introduction and the type of setting you work at.
Oldham Parent Carer Forum are co-ordinating this survey on behalf of the Graduated Response Workstream. This workstream was set up by Oldham SEND Partnership Board to develop and deliver key activities related to the SEND Strategy and Development Plan 2020-2023, and consists of partners from Education (all settings and the Local Authority), Health, Social Care and Voluntary Sector Organisations.
In January 2021, the workstream launched the on-line Graduated Response Toolkit for Oldham. The toolkit has been designed to support professionals working in nurseries, schools, colleges and other educational settings to remove barriers to a child or young persons learning and put effective special educational provision in place. This approach is known as the Graduated Response.
To ensure that the toolkit meets the needs of the professionals it aims to support, we are asking for your feedback to help us evaluate its effectiveness and strengthen it where required.
This question requires an answer
1. Please confirm the type of setting you work at: *
This question requires an answer
2. Please confirm the name of the ward that your setting is situated in.
The web address below will take you to Oldham's ward finder, just input the postcode of your setting into the search bar: *