Sunshine & Smiles Swimming Feedback Survey


1. • How your child [with Down Syndrome] benefited from the swimming lessons and/or fun family swim?


2. • What do you think has been your child’s proudest swimming achievement or swimming highlight this year?


3. • How do the swimming sessions help you and your family to make friends or feel connected to other families and friends?


4. In what way do you think you have benefited most as a family from attending the sessions?


5. In what ways have the sessions helped you feel more confident helping your child learn to swim?


6. • Can you tell us what Sunshine and Smiles swimming sessions mean to you?


7. • What do you think makes the swimming session work?


8. • Do you have a special story or anecdote about learning to swim at Bramley Baths?


9. As we look ahead to next years sessions, we’d appreciate your feedback on how the sessions work and if we could make any improvements:

• What you like about how the sessions are structured and how the teaching is delivered?


10. As we look ahead to next years sessions, we’d appreciate your feedback on how the sessions work and if we could make any improvements:

What should we keep on doing?


11. As we look ahead to next years sessions, we’d appreciate your feedback on how the sessions work and if we could make any improvements:

• What would you like us to change or do differently?


12. Do you have any other comments you would like to share about the swimming sessions?

Use our survey software to create your survey.