Factors Affecting Lagomorph Feeding Practices


1. Information for Participants
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Study Title: Lagomorph (Oryctolagus cuniculus) diet; Factors influencing owner/keeper feeding practices.
Invitation to Participate in the Study and Allow Use of Data Collected
I would like to invite you to take part in an anonymous research study surrounding domestic rabbit diet.
Before you decide, it is important for you to understand why the research is being conducted and what it will entail. Please take time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. Please do not hesitate to contact my supervisor or ask any questions if any of the information is unclear. Please take your time to decide whether or not you wish to take part. Thank you for your time in considering my study.
Purpose of the Study
The aim of this study is to discover what factors influence owner/keeper choices when deciding upon a diet for their rabbit.

Do you have to take part?
It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part in this study. All information provided by yourself will remain completely anonymous and confidential. If you decide to take part, you are still free to withdraw without giving reason at any point in the survey up until completion by simply exiting the questionnaire. Answers will not be stored until all questions are answered and submitted.
Unfortunately, due to anonymity, withdrawal after completion of the survey/questionnaire would not possible.

If you take part, what will you have to do?
The participants study will consist of a short, multiple choice questionnaire – this should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete. The survey will be conducted online and will be accessed only by the myself, or the project supervisor with my consent.
You may refrain from answering any questions if you do not wish to for any reason, and this reason does not need to be given. Simply skip the question being asked.

Possible benefits of participation:
Educational links surrounding rabbit nutrition and health will be provided at the end of the questionnaire. research findings may also be presented at future nutrition and welfare conferences. 

What if something goes wrong?
If you have any queries or concerns at any stage of the study, please contact my supervisor, Dr. Rachel White at the University Centre Salford City College. Email: Rachel.white@salfordcc.ac.uk
You are also free to withdraw from the study up to the designated point of withdrawal (see above), without giving a reason.

All information collected is anonymous and therefore no personal information will be shared, as the results will be presented in general terms. The questionnaire itself will be deleted after completion of the research project.

What will happen to the results?
The results will be presented as a dissertation and a paper or electronic copy will be kept at the University Centre Salford City College. In addition, I may present my findings at Open Evenings or in a College publication. There is little research surrounding rabbits and so relevant findings may be used in conference settings and news articles.

What to do next?
I sincerely hope that you may be willing to participate in my research and would request, if you decide to partake, that you read, understand and complete the consent form attached.

Thank you for taking the time to read this information sheet.

Participant Consent Form

I, as the owner/keeper/adviser of domesticated rabbits, hereby give my permission for the student and associates to use any information provided in the survey, which will be completed by myself. I am aged 18 or over. 

The data collected will be kept anonymous.

Thank you for your participation in my research.

1. Please state your occupation (e.g. Banker, Builder, Doctor, Chef, Nutritionist, RVN, Veterinarian, Student, Unemployed etc.). *


2. Please select the area you live in *


3. How was the rabbit acquired? *


4. What breed is your rabbit? If unknown, please state so. *


5. Are you the main decision maker for your rabbit’s nutritional needs?


6. If you educated yourself on your rabbit’s nutritional needs, either before or after acquisition, please state how you did this. (Tick all that apply) *


7. What do you feed your rabbit, and how often? Please list all that apply and be as specific as possible regarding brand names and amounts (e.g. Daily - 300g Timothy hay, 50g superstore own brand kibble, 4 Iceberg lettuce leaves. Weekly - 1 carrot, and/or 2 apple slices, and/or small animal treat sticks. Monthly - 3 large hazel twigs, foraged plantain)



8. How long would it take you to reach each destination listed if you were to walk from your home? (E.g. Supermarket - 15 mins, Convenience store - 3 mins, Field - 20 mins, etc.) *


9. Which of these best describes your garden availability? *


10. Can you identify this plant? If you do not know, just state "unsure".



11. Can you identify this fruit? If you do not know, just state "unsure".


12. Can you Identify this Tree? If you don't know, just state "Unsure".


13. How often do you gather or forage weeds, flowers, branches etc. for your rabbit? *


14. Do you gather wild plants/fungi to consume yourself? *


15. On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is not at all and 10 is extremely passionate, how environmentally conscious would you consider yourself to be? *

Use our survey software to make a survey.