Glasgow is a lively and complex city with a rich history that shapes its current urban layout and character. The City Development Plan aims to build on Glasgow's economic and cultural strengths to make it a prosperous, competitive, and attractive city. The City Centre Strategic Development Framework (SDF), adopted in 2021, provides flexible urban design guidelines and suggests creating specific guidelines for tall buildings to assist developers and planners.


Glasgow is seeing new development and investment, which is essential for sustainable and natural growth. These developments help with increasing the city's population density, regenerating areas, and improving the environment. For sustainable growth, these projects need to focus on quality and clear goals.


To help with this, the Tall Building Design Guidance was created. It offers advice for developers and planning officers to make the pre-application process smoother and ensure buildings are well-designed and appropriately located. The guidance includes a Map of Appropriateness and Design Parameters, along with clarifications on planning requirements and technical details on sustainable design for tall buildings.


Area of study: This study covers the areas as defined by the City Centre SDF. This study was prioritized due to current economic changes and pressures on the city.


We would welcome the views of members of the public, technical experts, and our Strategic Partners on the impact of tall buildings in the city centre and ways we can improve our city in this modern environment.



The survey will take approximately 15-30 minutes to complete, depending on how many questions you choose to respond to.


The deadline for completing this survey is Monday 30th September 2024.


 We undertake consultation and engagement with the public to give respondents the opportunity to give us their views and opinions, which help shape the policies we make and the services we deliver.  However, the Council will not tolerate the use of abusive or obscene language, and these comments/views will be disregarded and not included as part of the response.  


Glasgow City Council is now required to process personal information in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). For more information about this please visit here.


Alternative Formats

This information can be made available in a variety of alternate formats (such as high contrast format for visually impaired respondents and screen-reader friendly format), and community languages on request. If you would like more information about this or would like to request an alternative format or language, please contact