Norbury & Pollards Hill Policing Survey 21st November 2023


1. How old are you?


2. How would you describe your gender?


3. How long have you been a resident of Norbury and Pollards Hill?


4. Overall, do you feel safe on the Norbury & Pollards Hill Ward?


5. How satisfied are you with the way that Norbury and Pollards Hill SNT address community concerns and issues?


6. Please rate the following crime classifications to reflect your level of concern within the Norbury & Pollards Hill ward

Not concernedQuite concernedVery concerned
Arson and criminal damage
Drug offences
Possession of weapons
Public order offences
Sexual offences
Vehicle offences
Violence against the person

7. At the last ward panel meeting, speeding was said to be one of the main concerns for people living within our ward.
Please note that speeding comes under the Road Traffic Act so unfortunately statistics are unavailable.

How satisfied are you with our approach to speeding since our last meeting?


8. At the last ward panel meeting, anti-social behaviour was said to be one of the main concerns for people living within our ward.

How concerned are you about anti-social behaviour?


9. At the last ward panel meeting, drug offences were also said to be one of the main concerns for people living within our ward.

How concerned are you about drug related offences in Norbury & Pollards Hill ward?


10. How satisfied are you with your local SNT policing team?

Please add what we could do better in the comments box


11. Do you prefer holding our ward panel meetings online or face to face?

Please explain your reasoning in the comments section


12. How did you receive this survey?