Norfolk Family Information Service Consultation Survey - January 2024

  • From April 2024, all eligible working parents of 2-year-olds will be able to access up to 15 hours a week of funded childcare (to a maximum of 570 in 12 months) from the claim period* after their child's 2nd birthday.
  • From September 2024, all eligible working parents will be able to access up to 15 hours a week of funded childcare (to a maximum of 570 in 12 months) from the claim period* following their child turning 9 months.
  • The offer will be rolled out in full from September 2025, with eligible working parents of children aged 9 months and above able to access up to 30 hours a week (to a maximum of 1140 in 12 months) from the claim period* following their child turning 9 months.

* Claim period start dates 1 April, 1 September and 1 January.


For more information, please visit Upcoming changes to childcare support | Childcare choices

To be eligible working families must meet the following criteria:

Both parents/carers are working* (or the sole parent/carer is working in a lone parent family), and each parent/carer earns, on average, a weekly minimum equivalent of 16 hours at National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage (£167 per week) and less than £100,000 per year.


*Working includes both employed and self-employed.

Every local authority (LA) has a duty to ensure there is enough childcare in their area to meet parental demand. This parent consultation survey will help us to understand how we can best meet the childcare needs of families across Norfolk.

If you are an expectant parent and/or a parent with children under 3, we would be grateful if you could take a few minutes to complete the questions below. If you have any queries about this consultation, or need it in a different format, such as a paper copy, please email and we will do our best to help.