If you are part of the farming community in North Yorkshire, we would really like to hear from you.

Healthwatch North Yorkshire is your local health and social care champion. We’re here to listen to the experiences of people in North Yorkshire and make sure NHS decision makers use your feedback to make things better. 

We know that people from farming communities do not always use the health services they are entitled to, as much or as soon as they could. We want to find out what might be stopping you from getting the help you need and how services could improve to make them work better for the farming community. 

Your feedback will be shared anonymously with the NHS and organisations that support the farming community in North Yorkshire (e.g. Yorkshire Agricultural Society, The Farming Community Network, National Farmers Union, The Farmer Network). This will help them develop better resources and services that meet your needs. 

Your responses are anonymous, and the survey will take about 5-10 minutes to complete. The closing date is Thursday 31st October. 

If you would like to fill out the survey by phone, please contact Healthwatch North Yorkshire on 01423 788128.

Thank you for your time and for sharing your thoughts with us.

For more information, please get in touch with Alicia Rose (our Research & Projects Coordinator) by emailing alicia.rose@hwny.co.uk or calling 01423 788128.


Please let us know that you are happy to take part in this survey by selecting ‘I agree’, confirming you have read the above project information and agree to your anonymous feedback being used by Healthwatch.    *