Tell us your experiences of home care in Birmingham

1. Tell us your experiences of domiciliary or home care in Birmingham



Who should complete this questionnaire

  • Anyone receiving care and support in their home in Birmingham.
  • Family member or carer of someone receiving care and support in their home in Birmingham.

How long will the questionnaire take to complete?

The questionnaire should take you no more than 10 minutes to complete. Please answer all questions where possible unless asked otherwise. Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. You have until 12 January 2025 to complete the questionnaire.


Your answers will be confidential. Your care worker(s), social worker, case manager or anyone involved in providing you with home care or other help will not see your responses unless you choose to share them. All experiences shared will be anonymised with no names used in writing the report.

The survey results 

The responses will be analysed to understand experiences of receiving home care in Birmingham and to find out what changes and improvements need to be made to these services. The findings and recommendations from the results will be used by Birmingham City Council and BSOL ICB to make improvement to the service provided to Birmingham residents.

Who are Healthwatch Birmingham?
Healthwatch Birmingham is independent of the NHS and the Local Authority and have the power to ensure these organisations listen to and act upon people's views. Please visit our website to find out more about us and please read our commitment to protecting your information