What is this survey about?

This survey is about people’s experiences of a recent (i.e. within the last 12 months) referral from a GP for specialist care (e.g. hospital or community clinic).

What is a referral?

Sometimes, your GP might send you to a hospital or community clinic to see another healthcare professional for specialist tests, treatment or care. When your GP asks for specialist tests or treatment on your behalf, this is what we mean by a referral.

What will I need to do?

If you are eligible and decide to answer this survey, you will be asked 19 questions about your experiences with a recent referral from a GP. These questions will focus on how the referral process has affected your life.

At the end of the survey, you will also be asked some questions about yourself (your age group, gender identity, ethnicity, etc.). These questions help us understand the experiences of different groups of people. You don’t have to answer these questions, and they include a “prefer not to say” option if you do not wish to share this information. 

The survey should take around 15-20 minutes to answer.

You will have until 11.55pm on Monday 31 March 2025 to answer the survey. 

How will we use your data?

If you decide to answer this survey, we will use your data to show the experiences of people waiting to be seen by a specialist after they have had a referral from their GP.

We will take out any information that could identify you (e.g. names, locations) before we publish the survey's findings. 

We will also share anonymised data from this survey with your local Healthwatch so they can use it to help make a difference in your area.

For more information about how we use your data, please see our privacy notice.


1. Over the last 12 months, have you been referred for specialist tests or treatment by your GP? *