Cambridgeshire ACRE Centenary Exhibition - Hire Enquiry Form

Cambridgeshire ACRE's exhibition on the remarkable work of the Rural Community Council is available to loan to communities across Cambridgeshire. It tells the story not only of the Rural Community Council but also of rural Cambridgeshire, its people and the changes to their lives and wellbeing over a period of 100 years.

If you are interested in booking the exhibition for use at your village hall or community building, please complete this short form and our team will be in touch to discuss further.

Please provide your name and contact details


Which organisation, village hall or community facility would you like to hire the exhibition for and what is the address?


How do you plan to use the exhibition?


Which date and time do you plan to OPEN the exhibition to the public?


Which date and time do you plan to CLOSE the exhibition to the public?


Please confirm that you have would have time available either side of the above dates/times for exhibition assembly and disassembly?


Please confirm that your group / organisation can offer up volunteers to assist with exhibition assembly and disassembly?


How many visitors do you expect to attract to the exhibition?


Do you have any other questions to ask about the exhibition or the support that our staff could give to your event? If so, please note the details here and we can discuss these with you further.


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Statement
The personal data you supply by completing this form will only be used for the purposes of administering the loan of our Centenary exhibition to your community.