Driving survey


1. How long have you been driving?


2. Rate your confidence as a driver from 1-10. Please explain your answer.


3. Has your confidence changed since you started driving? If so, why?


4. Does your confidence change when you have passengers in the car? If so, p please re-rate on a scale of 1-10.


5. Rate your skill as a driver on a scale of 1-10. Please explain your answer.


6. What would someone close to you say about your skill as a driver (eg. Mum, brother, husband friend).


7. How many times a month do you make mistakes when driving? Please provide examples


8. What is your least favourite part about driving? (Eg, roundabouts, motorways, parking).


9. Are there any situations/circumstances that would cause you to avoid driving?


10. What qualities make someone a good driver?


11. What qualities make someone a bad driver?


12. Do you know anyone who has died in a car accident? If so, how many?


13.    Have you or anyone you know been involved in a significant car accident? If so, what were the consequences? E.g. injuries/ treatment required.


14. Have you ever been involved in a minor car accident? E.g. bumps/ scrapes. If so, how many?