Evolving lockdown


1. Do you agree or disagree with protective measures? (1 = disagree strongly, 5 = agree strongly)

1 disagree strongly2345 agree strongly
Temperature checks
Tracing technology
Shielding of vulnerable

2. How important is it to you to relax lockdown restrictions for the following places?

1 disagree strongly2345 agree strongly
Health centres
Transport systems
Places of education
Places of work
Bars and restaurants
Society in general

3. Do you agree with the suggestions for the additional measures for health centres?

1 disagree strongly2345 agree strongly
Mandatory masks
Directional walkways and aids
Increased cleaning
Temperature checks

4. Do you agree with the suggestions for the additional measures for transport systems?

1 disagree strongly2345 agree strongly
Travel permits
Travel slots
Temperature checks
Mandatory masks
Frequent cleaning

5. Do you agree with the suggestions for the measures for places of education?

1 disagree strongly2345 agree strongly
Cohorting students
Limiting days (e.g. two per week)
Temperature checks
Protocols for isolating those found to be infectious
Shielding for potentially vulnerable children

6. Do you agree with the suggestions for the measures for places of work?

1 disagree strongly2345 agree strongly
Prioritising businesses that cannot operate remotely
Limiting days (e.g. two per week)
Temperature checks
Protections to prevent coercion of individuals back to work

7. Do you agree with the suggestions for the measures for places of bars and restaurants?

1 disagree strongly2345 agree strongly
Mandatory masks when arriving or leaving
Pre-booked tables only
Scheduled arrival slots

8. Do you agree with the suggestions for the measures for society in general?

1 disagree strongly2345 agree strongly
Virtual households
Virtual communities
Monitoring and data collection

9. Any further thoughts, feedback or comment?


10. Your name and email if you would like to be contacted (this is optional and we will only use the information to follow up on this survey)