1. There is no requirement to leave your name or contact details unless you wish to be entered into the free draw for an iPad or Chromebook. If you do choose to leave your details, they will only be used for the purposes of this draw. No personal information will be shared with the local authority or HSCP; any information you provide will be completely anonymised before being passed on. At all times we will keep your information confidential and there will be limited access even within Carers Link. A full copy of our privacy policies can be found on our website.
2. Please can you tell us about your interest in Health and Social Care Services? You can select more than one.
3. Please can you tell us what carer support services you use that work well for you?
4. Please can you tell us what services you would like to see or where you think carer support services could do better?
5. Do you think that the priorities for development and improvement identified in the consultation report are the right ones?
6. And finally, do you have any other comments that you’d like to provide on the development of the Carers Strategy and what it means for you? Please tell us in the space below: