Early years survey 2024 - Childminders


Cambridgeshire Early Years Survey 2024

Information you provide to us will only be used for research purposes and will not be personally identifiable in any analysis or reports. We will hold all information securely and strictly in line with Data Protection legislation. We will only store it for three years after the survey results have been analysed and the report published. The data collected will be used to monitor the types of settings, and places available, across the county for all phases of the roll out of the expanded entitlement, including the following year when this becomes ‘business as usual’. This will enable us to facilitate growth more effectively and contribute to the data returns submitted to the Department for Education (DfE) in relation to programme delivery. Further information about how we collect and use personal data, and your rights around this, can be found on the Cambridgeshire County Council website at: Privacy statement - Cambridgeshire County Council.

This survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete with all the data to hand, and you are able to save your responses and continue later if required.

Please click "next" below to begin the survey.

If you want a copy of this survey in another format, or have any other questions, please contact the survey and forecasting team by email: policyandinsight@cambridgeshire.gov.uk

On clicking “next” you confirm you are happy for your response to be used in the consultation analysis and results. Your responses may be included as valid answers, even if you do not click “Submit” at the end of the survey.